Vacations – Investing in Yourself

Many people’s financial plans emphasize frugality today for prosperity tomorrow.

Preparing for the future is much easier when we’re enjoying the present.

There are many good reasons to take a vacation – taking some time away from the stresses of work and daily life to focus on spending time engaging in stimulating (or relaxing) activities with family members and friends in a new setting can recharge your batteries. It will give you added perspective on your life and work, and you’ll return to your regular routine invigorated and more productive. And your health can be greatly improved.

Prolonged periods of work without a vacation have been shown to have numerous medical consequences – people who are “all work and no play” become irritable and inattentive, and are more likely to have accidents on the job. They are at higher risk of cardiovascular problems, depression, anxiety, and other illnesses, both physical and mental.

Your financial plan should be flexible enough that you don’t need to save every last dollar you make for retirement. Life is about balance, just like vacations are about balance. By helping you make wise budgetary decisions, you achieve a balance by making judicious investments – in both your financial future and your happiness today.

Working with a financial planner will help you need to determine your individual needs and wants (such as going away on a family vacation). The financial planner will also assist in developing a a financial plan that fits your personality, and investment goals.

A New Year’s Resolution for Your Finances

It’s shortly after New Year’s, and that means resolutions. And it’s not too late to set a New Year’s Resolution for your finances. The goals that are most successfully accomplished are those that are manageable, not too overwhelming. So let’s look at one financial goal that is manageable enough to be accomplished this year.

Pay a little bit extra on your mortgage every month. Make it small enough that you can manage it every month, but not so much that it is stressful. Start with a small success and then build on it.

Let’s see how paying just a little more on your mortgage could really benefit your finances in the long run.

For example, if you have a 30-year mortgage for $150,000 at an interest rate of three percent, paying an additional $100 each month would save you a total of $17,214 and you would pay it off six years early. If you were only able to increase the amount to an extra $50 per month, you would still save $9,719 and pay it off three years and four months early.

If you have a 20 year for $100,000 at 4% interest, and added $50 a month to your payment, your loan would be shortened by 26 months, saving you a total of $5,563. If the same loan had an extra $100 paid on it each month, that would be $9,883 saved and it would be paid of three years and eleven months early.

So making a small sacrifice each month to pay a little bit extra on your mortgage can save you a significant amount of money in the future.

Now for the question of where to get an extra $50-$100 each month. One recommendation would be to make this extra amount automatic. Have it taken out of your paycheck or bank account automatically. If you never see it, it’s a small enough amount that hopefully you won’t feel it too much. For example, if you are paying an extra $50 per month and get paid weekly, that’s only $10 or $12.50 out of the paycheck (depending on how many weeks are in the month).

Here are a few suggestions to help you with that extra money you need each month. Don’t buy lottery tickets. Take a lunch to work and eat out a few less times each month. Make your own coffee instead of stopping to buy some on your way to work.

Leaving An Enduring Financial Legacy

Dave Ramsey wrote a book called The Legacy Journey: A Radical View of Biblical Wealth and Generosity. I like this book because it discusses how money is from God, and we are therefore His stewards.

Some will try to convince you that money is inherently evil.

Your Financial Legacy Starts With Building A Strong Financial Foundation

Financially helping others is your end goal. But, you can’t do that if you are in financial trouble. Therefore, your first step is strengthening yourself money-wise so you can assist others. With a secure foundation, you can be a great benefit to people in need. For example, you must stand on higher ground before you can lift someone else.

Giving generously to charity is difficult at this point because you are focused on conquering your debt and mastering your spending habits.

Mastering your spending habits is often complex, but a simple idea and not always easy to employ is paying yourself first. Some attribute consistently saving a percentage of everything you make as the most important financial habit. A second critical practice Dave teaches living by a budget, and the rich are not left off the hook because they are not living paycheck to paycheck.

Beating debt requires discipline. For example often, financial discipline means looking at money and possessions differently. Furthermore, shopping cannot be your stress reliever. Similarly, if paying yourself first is the most important financial habit, the second greatest attitude is contentment.

Step Two: Create A Vision For Your Life And Family

Every family and individual need a vision. For instance, a clear and sharp vision will bridge the gap between where you are and where you need to arrive.

Many people are stressed out and can’t sleep because of crippling debt. Similarly, always fighting with your spouse over money problems is draining on a marriage. As a result, the constant stress and fighting blocks you from concentrating on your vision and dreams.

The Power of Giving

Dave strongly emphasizes paying tithing to your church.

Giving 10 percent of your income to your church changes you. It prepares and softens your heart and magnifies your power to give. Dave attributes the lavish Christmas parties he throws for his employees as a result of tithing. Tithing turned him into a generous giver.

He says giving to the kingdom of God is the greatest investment you will make. However, there are many ministries and charities you could donate to, but not all of them are worthy of your hard earned money. Therefore, he suggests you research them like you would any business deal. For example, many ministries and charities manage their money and resources horribly.

Things You Must Know About Financial Services

Financial services refer to the services provided by the finance industry. Also, this term is used to describe organizations dealing with the management of money, like credit card companies, insurance firms, investment banks, stock brokerages, and banks. These are the types of firms that compromise the market, providing a wide range of investment and money-related services. In terms of earnings, financial services are considered the largest market resource in the world.

Important Things You Must Be Aware Of

Generally, these services are not limited to the field of deposit-withdrawal, investment, and loan services; but rather in the fields of estate, securities, insurance, trust services, and all forms of financial intermediation like the distribution of financial products as well.

Every day, the needs and expectations of consumers are growing. Hence, making the mark in boosting personal wealth becomes a necessity. Intense competition has cuddled market margins as well as forced plenty of companies to cut costs whilst improving the quality of customer choice and service.

As most organizations are striving to be more entrepreneurial and innovative, the war for talent is escalating. And as the products become more complex and the business environment more uncertain, the risks increase. At the same time, rules and regulation are the tightening highlight within the reach of government and public pressure for improved transparency, supremacy, and accountability.

Today, the winners are those firms transforming the challenges into opportunities to establish more enduring and stronger customer relationships, unlock creativity and talent, and to sharpen their process efficiency. Apart from that, these companies also view these challenges as a means to boost their risk management processes so they can deliver more sustainable returns. Furthermore, they use used regulatory demands as a catalyst for improving market confidence and strengthening the business.

The challenges in the financial services market are indeed forcing the participants to keep pace with technological advances, as well as to be more efficient and proactive whilst reducing risks and costs.

Today, there are already a lot of companies working hand in hand with reputable financial organizations around the world to develop a very sound networking strategy for connecting firms with suppliers, employees, partners, and customers.

Indeed, the financial services market is dynamic and diverse. There are plenty of important things you must be aware of to better understand how such industry operates. It is certainly an ever-changing, high-growth, and versatile market. Businesses with various needs must know that such market offers several selections of suitable financial services.

Focused on Money While Ignoring the Greatest Treasure of All

The financial system is in crisis with banks charging exorbitant fees and mortgages going through the roof as people struggle to own a home. Some are even desperate to find a home of any type in which to live. In contrast those at the top of the money scale may own dozens of houses, even whole blocks of them, and leave them empty to appreciate in value. This is the new money cow and next to food houses are chief target areas for the wealthy.

Renting houses for tenants to pay off mortgages is a great way to make money and in some countries, such as Australia, they are negatively geared so that taxes can be avoided. That works by calling them ‘investments’ or, in other words, business enterprises. Any outlay required for maintenance and even interest charged on the mortgage is then a tax deduction.

The recent explosive ‘Panama papers’ released in early April show the extent of tax fraud exercised by people of different occupations from Prime Ministers down to common criminals and drug dealers. Off shore tax havens are legal in most countries and the extent of corruption within the systems that are at the base of the World Order is horrendous.

It starts with politics and religions and the two go hand in hand. If one can be free of guilt then the door to corruption is wide open. Forgiveness of sins is that channel and the Catholic Church and others that exercise control over it are the work of 666.

Following my reincarnation and with a strong link to the Spirit of the Universe it commissioned me to tear down the wall of blindness that was built by the first beast of Revelation 13 and strengthened by the second. The latter is Constantine, emperor of Rome and the one who established the Catholic Church in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea.

He is the Amorite of Amos 2:5 and the Amors inhabited Babylon, the home of Islam where the chief god was the sun-star. Its name is Mary and it means ‘mother’s powerful eye’. Stylised into a woman whom men dreamed of ‘marrying’ they died on crosses at dawn for this right. It is the origin of Father God and patriarchal notions that saw women discriminated against, even hated, by men.

The Eye Star appeared at Spring Equinox and is the origin of Easter. The number of men dying to become gods in heaven was outlawed by Constantine who put up the image of Jesus Christ to replace the tradition. He altered the date of Easter to align with the new moon and changed the Sabbath to Sunday, the ‘dies solis’ or ‘festival to the sun’. He reinstated Mary as the Mother of God.

Constantine is also the brains behind the legal, political, and financial systems that run the world. That means that those who engage in them are in cahoots with 666. They ignore the Spirit within and the chance for eternal life as the false gods associated with money and power rule over them.

5 Questions You Should Ask Your Financial Advisor

Managing your wealth, no matter how big or small, is a cumbersome task. Your financial advisor helps to keep your money safe while making it work for you. Before you start working with someone, ask them these important questions.

What Certifications Do You Have?

You need to know what licenses and certification your financial advisor has. Most of the top consultants are certified public accountants, fund specialists, consultants, or analysts. Some even carry a Juris doctorate and insurance licenses. While everyone has to start somewhere, you want to work with a firm that has extensive experience in the field.

What Safeguards Are in Place to Protect Assets from Fraud?

Your assets need to be protected by a reputable custodian. When you ask about safeguards, you should also ask about any infractions he or she has received in the past both with the firm and as an individual. To provide you with the best service, your financial advisor should be a fiduciary.

Consultants with a strict code of ethics have standards that they share with their clients. However, no matter their standards, they should be in compliance with Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, state and regulatory agencies, and the Security’s and Exchange Commission.

What Are Your Fees?

When it comes to fees, your counselor should be 100 percent transparent. He or she needs to explain his or her exact fee structure, so you understand how you are paying. Some are fee-only, meaning they provide a flat rate for services rendered.

Some investment consultants charge a commission fee. That means they make money off each product you purchase to help your investments grow. It is important to know which one you are working with, or if you are with someone who charges a fee in addition to earning commissions.

What Access Do You Have to Earning Reports?

As your financial advisor, he or she should have direct access to the top holdings of where your investments are. He or she needs to be able to tell you immediately what the earnings report is anytime you call.

At the very least, he or she should be able to educate you on your holdings before any investment of assets. By educating you on available options and what assets are invested, you can better understand what the consultant suggests.

How Often Do You Communicate

When it comes to letting you know how your money is doing, the counselor should be open to communication. He or she should send out weekly announcements about the market. Also, you must be informed of trade notifications immediately and receive an explanation on every buy and sell option. Most firms also send out information about their monthly investment outlook as well as a quarterly outlook. Brokers also offer to keep their customers informed with educational information and fact sheets.

Ask the tough questions of a financial advisor before asking him or her to manage your funds. It helps you to weed out the inexperienced and shady consultants before losing any money.

Money and Power

If anyone wants to know why money was invented they need to look at the power that it generates. Politically it is the mainstay of governments while religiously it has grown gods and made their organisations indispensable. So where does it fit into the scheme of human behaviour and why is it at the root of the World Order? One could may assume that something other than an invented commodity would fit that role so why doesn’t it?

When humans took to a sedentary life and gave up wandering the forests and taking their food from the land, as God originally intended, they had time to think about other things. In the depositions of their living areas archaeologist have uncovered tales of their development from what might be termed primitive living to the more sophisticated trade deals and exchange of goods.

Other things crop up as well and chief among them is the religious side of life and the sacred sites where they imprinted their feelings and beliefs on items in art form. Over time the images became ever more lifelike and their meanings clearer. It was there where my research discovered the power.

It came first in the form of an exchange between humanity and the Sun-God. This unmistakable giving of life for prosperity permeates the ancient world and mysterious sites, like Stonehenge in England, or the temples of the Maya in Mexico. They stand as fortresses of power holding a code within that is only now interpretable.

My reincarnation and evidence that there is no heaven or hell is behind my ability to look at these sites from a different perspective and without the religious bias to better understand their meaning. It is a fact that the ancients were desperate to communicate with the sun and they worked out ways to do that. One way was to send a man up riding the cross as a kite to mate with the Mother God. This is shown in rock art in Nordic regions, such as Ostergotland (star of god’s land).

Dispersed light creates rings of seven colours, the same as the rainbow, and the number for ‘her’ is ‘seven’. The man is number 8 and multiplied together 7×8 is 56, the number of holes in the outer circle of Stonehenge. Both these numbers are linked to ancient beliefs that carry over into modern religious practices.

There are 7 candles on the altar of Christian churches, and 7 lights in the normal Jewish menorah, and so on. There are also 7 days of the week and 3×7 is 21, another mystical number. The 3 represents the ancient trinity of Mother God, sun and light.

Stonehenge displays the practice of exchanging god-men on crosses for fertility of the earth. The core of the site is the horse-shoe shape enclosed by the trilithons, made of 2 upright stones with a cap supporting them are the top. The ‘horse’ features prominently in ancient rituals and the white horse was etched out of the underlying chalk in several places in both Britain and Europe.

In time the use of circles as a symbol of exchange gave rise to the coins that were imprinted with the king’s head because he was supposedly the one married to the sun. The magic of handing over his image in exchange for goods took hold and gave rise to the monetary system. It was enhanced by Constantine, who established the Catholic Church in the year 325. He is also the one who organised the system of commerce that is still in play.

The Security Intelligence in The Financial Services

Security intelligence is the data related to safeguarding an organization from any outside and inside threats along with the processes, and policies developed to accumulate and evaluate the information.

It can also be referred to as the actual collection, standardization, and analysis of the data created by users, applications, and structures that influence the IT security and risk position of a business.

On a daily basis, information flows in organizations for the senior management to make smart decisions. The various stakeholders (employees, customers, contractors) are interfaced through various technologies.

However, the technological infrastructure can also result in serious security issues. The probable areas of intrusion are unlimited. Security experts and business leaders are trying to find an answer to the question – Is it feasible to have a robust security in an increasingly interfaced environment?

Though the answer is yes, it needs a radical transformation in processes and practices encompassing the financial services sector. The focus is not only on IT. Robust security facilitates a positive customer experience.

Cybercrime and Profitability

Financial institutions are at great risk since they are perceived to be an easy target for cybercriminals. According to a survey by IBM, “Financial markets, insurance, computer and professional services together account for over 40% of all security incidents worldwide.”

The losses, pertaining to cybercrime in other sectors could be due to industrial intelligence and fraud related to intellectual property, but in banking, online fraud is a possibility.

Any fraud related to the intellectual property and industrial intelligence could lead to reduced shareholder value, shut down of the business and net financial losses. These are the issues impacting the global financial sector, not only because the main reasons are not identified or the disruption to the customer is immediate, but also because they can result in a significant loss of money.

As per Andrew Haldane, Financial Stability Director at the Bank of England, “Cyber-risk has become a more pressing concern than economic depression and the Eurozone crisis, as it is a rapidly rising area of risk with potentially systemic implications”.

Comprehending the seriousness of the security risk is only a beginning. Financial institutions must establish an in-depth security intelligence strategy that would enable the financial institutions to have an insight into the perceived threats.

Financial institutions leverage top-notch analytics to get an understanding of:

  • The types of attacks that are occurring.
  • The probable source of the attacks.
  • The technology used by the cyber criminals.
  • Weak spots that could be exploited in the future.

Michael Davison, Banking and Financial Markets, IBM, stated,” There’s not another single issue that unites the interests of so many people at senior levels of banks. It unites technology, the CFO, security and compliance functions. But cybersecurity is also mission critical for people running lines of business and who are running P&Ls. So quite rightly it sits on the Board agenda. But there’s still work to do to educate Boards about the urgency of an effective response to the rapidly changing environment.”

Financial institutions must implement the following practices to get the balance between the required innovation and the related risk:

Establish a risk-conscious culture

  • An organizational transformation with an emphasis on zero tolerance towards a security failure must be established.
  • An initiative encompassing the organizational hierarchy to execute smart analytics and automated response competencies is needed to identify and resolve issues.

Safeguard the Working Environment

The functions in distinct devices must be examined by a centralized authority and the wide array of information in an institution must be categorized, tagged with its risk profile and circulated to the concerned personnel.

Security Design

The greatest problem with the IT systems and the unnecessary costs is from executing services initially and looking at security afterwards. Security has to be a part of the application from the first phase of design.

Ensure A Safe Environment

If the system is secure, security personnel can monitor every program that’s functioning; ensure it is ongoing and operating at optimal level.

Manage the Network

Organizations that route approved data through controlled entry points will be in a better position to identify and separate the malware.

Cloud Based Security

To prosper in a cloud scenario, organizations should possess the technology to operate in a secluded environment and track probable issues.

Involve Vendors

An organization’s security strategy must also involve its vendors and efforts must be made to establish the best practices among the vendors.

Financial firms have been a major target for malware attacks. Several aspects are impacting the financial sector. The direct connection between the breach of several personally identifiable information (PII) to the profitability has not been lost on the global financial stakeholders. This has led to the implementation of several global security projects.

A hazardous type of malware for online financial transactions is “Man-in-the-Browser” intrusions. It happens when a malicious program affects an internet browser. The program adjusts activities conducted by the user and in some instances, can initiate actions independently. It could lead to online stealing.

Financial institutions that can transform radically at a fundamental level, the way they function would be safeguarded.

The aim of enterprise security could initially emphasis on IT structures, it must be extended from the technology personnel & their systems to each individual within the organization, and all the stakeholders conducting business with it.

The Future of Financial Services

The ease of making financial transactions and financial services in general, had first been revolutionised when telegraph companies introduced wire transfers. But with the coming of new age financial services like Bitcoin and Ripple, it is the time we address the question of what the future holds for the financial services of the world.

Traditional Wire Transfers

Let us begin by first taking a look at how things have been going on for these past 150 years since wire transfers were first introduced. Transferring funds using a wire transfer method via a bank is not a single step process but a multi-step process. It is like this:

    • The sender approaches his or her bank and orders the transfer of funds to an account. Unique codes like BIC and IBAN codes are provided to the bank by the sender so that the bank knows exactly where the funds need to be transferred.
    • The sender’s bank contacts the receiver’s bank by sending a message through a security system, such as Fedwire or SWIFT, signalling it that a transfer needs to be made. The receiver’s bank receives this message, which includes settlement instructions as well, and then asks the sender’s bank to transfer the amount specified in the message.
    • The sender’s bank now transfers the amount. This is not done in one go but bit by bit, so it can take anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days for the entire sum to be transferred.
  • To make the transfer, the two banks must have a reciprocal account with one another. If that is not the case, the transfer is made through a correspondent bank that holds such an account.

As one can see, this form of transfer relies overly on a mediator, takes more time than it should, and can prove to be costly as the banks charge some fee for their service. Distributed currencies like Bitcoin provide a viable alternative to this process.

Decentralized Currencies

What sets services like Bitcoin apart from traditional services is that they do not rely on a central mediator but rather operate using cryptographic protocols. The process is therefore faster, simpler, and much more efficient. The system is quite transparent to both end users as well while traditional systems are susceptible to fraud due to the complex process involved.

However, there is a downside to this too. With services like Bitcoin, it is simple to trace a transaction back to each unit value’s creation.

Solution? A Common Ground

More and more people are opting for services like Bitcoin and peer-to-peer mobile transfers, where a network operator could help users transfer funds by simply sending an SMS. Although these are indeed more efficient, they are a long way from global acceptance because there are many who still do not have bank accounts, plus there is the issue of limited user identification in such services.

What would be ideal for everyone is if banks could tap into the potential of decentralized currencies and overlap the source code of services like Ripple on their existing system to form a hybrid of the two. It would kill two birds with one stone as:

    1. Decentralized currency systems provide more efficient transfers
  1. Bank systems ensure only registered users access the service, taking away the possibility of foul play.


The world has come a long way since the last time an indigenous financial service system was introduced. There is definitely a crying need to improve this traditional service and decentralized currencies like Bitcoin have shown them the way.

Stop Bad Financial Habits And Choose A Fresh Start

People are often influenced to give unsolicited advice to others about the easiest way to manage finances. Even though of the will make sense, the majority of these are very generic in general. You must exercise caution when you assemble a monetary strategy out from this information, though it’s important to create a precise and consistent plan.

Nevertheless, you happen to be still left together with the unanswered question. How would you prevent the decline of funds on stuff that are of no use, and yet approach managing your individual finances?

The Situation: A lot of people, including you, don’t fully understand how important it is to save cash with regard to their future. Figure out how to save first then spend, not the other way around. While this is superior to no savings in any way, it is definitely not the correct way to build an excellent savings plan.

Steps To Managing Your Individual Finances Well.

Listed here are some important tips that you can consider if you wish to reduce costs for the future. These techniques have helped a lot of people be successful at taking better proper care of their finances.

Put 20% Of The Earnings Into Savings

In case you are to be successful in the foreseeable future, carry out the opposite of just what the average person does. As opposed to saving whatever remains, save first and spend afterward. Even if you are expecting a reduced check than normal, be sure to save 20% out from each and every single check that you receive. Make sure to deposit this money once you receive money. You will have learned a vital lesson, and saving the amount of money than enables you to work your way down taking good care of everything, bills first.

Saving money assists you to create a healthy financial habit that will help you to budget your money efficiently for the rest of your way of life. You could possibly feel much less stressed about finances when you know that you have an urgent situation fund available.

Don’t Complicate Matters

It is obvious the iPhone 7 is great. Your buddies and colleagues have purchased it,but the iPhone 6 plus is one that you simply bought a few time ago. While many of these new gadgets are fun and exciting to have, you undoubtedly don’t need a new phone unless your old phone is dying. You must never buy it unless you really want an iPhone 7.

Can that new phone do something that your particular old model can’t do? It is essential to sometimes treat yourself with luxuries, just make sure this really is something great rather than some of those undesirable habits one does repeatedly. Additional money is the best money to pay, not the 20% you will be saving.

Cash Over Credit

Maybe you are from the opinion the charge cards in your wallet should be used, not hidden away. Often we start off with good intentions buying only small things likely to pay them off at the conclusion of every month. $50 here or $25 there can’t hurt, and you can always pay it off following the month. That brand of thinking gets people in trouble quickly, plus they rack up a pile of debt.